c# - The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread.When getting list of USB_Hub -
i using code below getting list of usb devices. when run without debugging shows error:
the application called interface marshalled different thread.
but when run application debugging works fine. m using function in separate class library project , calling on wpf form.
public static list<usbdeviceinfo> getusbdevices() { list<usbdeviceinfo> devices = new list<usbdeviceinfo>(); managementscope scope = new managementscope("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"); objectquery query = new objectquery("select * win32_usbhub"); try { managementobjectsearcher searcher = new managementobjectsearcher(scope, query); managementobjectcollection querycollection = searcher.get(); //managementobjectcollection collection; //using (var searcher = new managementobjectsearcher(@"select * win32_usbhub")) //var searcher = new managementobjectsearcher(@"select * win32_usbhub"); //collection = searcher.get(); foreach (managementobject device in querycollection) { devices.add(new usbdeviceinfo( (string)device.getpropertyvalue("deviceid"), (string)device.getpropertyvalue("pnpdeviceid"), (string)device.getpropertyvalue("description"), (string)device.getpropertyvalue("name") )); } } catch (managementexception meex) { throw meex; } catch(comexception comex) { throw comex; } { } //collection.dispose(); return devices; } public class usbdeviceinfo { public usbdeviceinfo(string deviceid, string pnpdeviceid, string description, string name) { this.deviceid = deviceid; this.pnpdeviceid = pnpdeviceid; this.description = description; this.name = name; } public string deviceid { get; private set; } public string pnpdeviceid { get; private set; } public string description { get; private set; } public string name { get; private set; } }
i used
application.current.dispatcher.invokeasync(new action(() => { idalusbdetection.getusbdevices(); }));
to call function. working fine.
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