graphcool - GraphQL: Subscription not firing when mutation run -

so, i'm testing subscriptions on graphcool , appreciate clarification on how work.

i have 1 many relationship posts on comments:


type posts {    caption: string!    comments: [comments!]! @relation(name: "postsoncomments")    createdat: datetime!    displaysrc: string!    id: id!    likes: int    updatedat: datetime!  }    type comments {    createdat: datetime!    id: id!    posts: posts @relation(name: "postsoncomments")    text: string!    updatedat: datetime!    user: string!  }

the subscription run in graphcool follows:

subscription createddeletedcomments {  	comments(      filter: {        mutation_in: [created, deleted]      }    ) {      mutation      node {        id        user        text      }    }  }

if run following in react app, created notification fired:

    return this.props.client.mutate({        mutation: gql`          mutation createcomment ($id: id, $textval: string!, $userval: string!) {            createcomments (postsid: $id, text: $textval, user: $userval){              id              text              user            }          }        `,        variables: {          "id": postid,          "textval": textval,          "userval": userval         },        // forcefetch: true,      })

but if run following, no deleted notification fired:

    return this.props.client.mutate({        mutation: gql`          mutation removecomment ($id: id!, $cid: id!) {            removefrompostsoncomments (postspostsid: $id, commentscommentsid: $cid){              postsposts {                id                displaysrc                likes                comments {                  id                  text                  user                }              }            }          }        `,        variables: {          "id": postid,          "cid": commentid         },        // forcefetch: true,      })

what overlooking here?

with subscription

subscription createddeletedcomments {     comments(     filter: {       mutation_in: [created, deleted]     }   ) {     mutation     node {       id       user       text     }   } } 

you subscribing comment nodes being created or deleted. however, mutation removefrompostsoncomments, not deleting comment nodes. instead, deleting connection between post , comment.

you can adjust mutation request delete comment entirely instead of disconnecting post:

return this.props.client.mutate({   mutation: gql`     mutation removecomment ($cid: id!) {       deletecomment(id: $cid) {         id       }     }   `,   variables: {     "cid": commentid    },   // forcefetch: true, }) 

if don't want delete comment entirely still want hide in app, have boolean field deleted acts soft deletion marker.

then subscribe updated comments instead of deleted comments , check if field deleted updated. refer the docs more information on how updatedfields.

subscriptions relations part of our roadmap.
