How to define multiple ini settings using php command line? -

i trying allow allow_url_fopen , rename functions temporarily script. can 1 function, not both.

something this:

php -d allow_url_fopen=on rename=on <file> 

i'm using php 5.6


apparently rename() in disable_functions in php.ini file (whereas allow_url_fopen turned off outside of that), i'm assuming -d option doesn't change settings disable_functions directive.

therefore, original question still stands, , new one:

is possible enable disabled function command line tool? or have redefine whole disable_functions directive (if possible)?

update two

this works situation:

php -d disable_functions=fn1,fn2,etc -r 'ini_set("allow_url_fopen", "1");' <file> <args> 

you cannot use ini_set() change disable_functions directive. if there directive in php.ini file cannot changed ini_set() don't know how solve that. issue has been resolved, although original question hasn't been answered yet.
