javascript - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘length’ in jquery-1.11.1.js:583 -
i have 2 js files shown below (page1.js) , (page2.js reference included below). referring following json response while working :
{ "webservice_status": { "status": "success", "message": "" }, "my_document_list": [{ "doc1": "445", "doc2": "445", "doc3": "445", "doc4": "445", "content": "some text here display" } ] }
here page1.js
related work:
$("#mydoclist").on('rowclick', function (event) { row = event.args.rowindex; datarow = $("#mydoclist").jqxgrid('getrowdata', row); var response = json.stringify(datarow, null, 10); var docid = datarow["doc_id"]; self.getmydocumentcontents(docid); }); this.getmydocumentcontents = function (contentid_) { var data = { doc_id: contentid_ } app_.get(data, self.processcontent, app_.processerror, url_name); }// end of getmydocumentcontents this.processcontent = function(data_,textstatus_,jqxhr_) { data_ = app_.convertresponse(data_,jqxhr_); console.log("checking actual data_ content:", data_); console.log("actual data length check data_ content:", data_.my_document_list.length); // debugger; var collection = data_.my_document_list.length[0].content; console.log("collection check",collection); //debugger; var source = { localdata: collection, datafields: [{ name: 'content', type: 'string' }], datatype: "array" }; var dataadapter = new $.jqx.dataadapter(source, { loadcomplete: function (records) { debugger; var html; //get data var records = dataadapter.records; console.log("check records:",records.length); var length = records.length; html = "<div style='margin: 10px;'><pre>" + records[0].content + "</pre></div>"; $("#doccontentpanel").jqxpanel('clearcontent'); $("#doccontentpanel").jqxpanel('append',html); }, loaderror: function (xhr, status, error) { }, beforeloadcomplete: function (records) { } }); // perform data binding dataadapter.databind(); var panel = $("#doccontentpanel"); var content = panel.html(); panel.jqxpanel({ width: '750', height: '500', scrollbarsize: 20 }); }// end of processcontent
here page2.js
related work:
this.get = function (data_, done_, fail_, webservicekey_) { // lookup requested web service url var url =; // create ajax request. $_.ajax({ data: data_, method: "get", url: url }) .success(done_) .error(fail_); }; // if json data returned content type of "text/plain", parse json before returning. this.convertresponse = function (data_, jqxhr_) { return (typeof(data_) === "object" ? data_ : json.parse(data_)); };
basically there list of rows displayed in jqxgrid(not mentioned in code above), when user clicks on $("#mydoclist").on('rowclick
gets called , calls following function: getmydocumentcontents
function: function passes doc_id
inside data variable made available following function: processcontent:
in function, trying show in jqxpanel value of content
which in my_document_list
problem facing inside function: can seen, there debugger placed @ various places commented except @ 1 place below line loadcomplete: function (records) {
don’t error above line var dataadapter = new $.jqx.dataadapter(source, { ,
however, place inside it, following error:
uncaught typeerror: cannot use ‘in’ operator search ‘length’ in jquery-1.11.1.js:583
where length numerical number keeps on changing depending upon length of value of content
in above json response. tell me what’s going wrong? in advance ! in case needed, here jquery line #583 isarraylike function :
function isarraylike( obj ) { var length = obj.length, type = jquery.type( obj ); if ( type === "function" || jquery.iswindow( obj ) ) { return false; } if ( obj.nodetype === 1 && length ) { return true; } return type === "array" || length === 0 || typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && ( length - 1 ) in obj; // line 583 throws error }
should try changing jquery version?
at data_.my_document_list.length[0].content;
think need data_.my_document_list[0].content;
array , such array access should occur there.
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