matlab - Label text truncated after increasing font size -

i followed procedures in this question, , tried setting individual text object larger fonts. here sample code:

hf = figure; set(hf, 'defaultaxesfontsize', 14) hx = axes('parent',hf); [hx,hp1,hp2] = plotyy(hx, rand(10,1),rand(10,1),rand(10,1),rand(10,1),'scatter'); hlx = xlabel(hx(1), 'only half of line show up'); hl1 = ylabel(hx(1), 'not truncated less border'); hl2 = ylabel(hx(2), 'only part of line show up'); ht  = title(hx(1), 'too close border'); 

as can seen in picture, labels truncated border of figure. have drag figure large - contrary desired - in order reveal text.

figure window

how can automatically set text box according text font size, small graphs don't cut?

i know can manually setting position of axes it's kind of manual , guess-and-try. there automatic way calculate margins?

one thing can done calculate increased margin according new text font size. assume know matlab's default font size 10, or otherwise get(hf,'defaultaxesfontsize').

then relative position of axes get(hx, 'position'), gives 4 percentage values. first 2 define left , bottom margin. since it's labels, increasing font size 10 14 means text box should grow 1.4 times. next 2 numbers define size of axis. since text boxes on both sides grow 1.4 times, assuming original size being x, new size 1-[(1-x)*1.4] = 1.4x - 0.4.

suggested workaround:

hf = figure; set(hf, 'defaultaxesfontsize', 14) hx = axes('parent',hf); set(hx, 'position', [1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4].*get(hx, 'position')+ [0 0 -.4 -.4]) [hx,hp1,hp2] = plotyy(hx, rand(10,1),rand(10,1),rand(10,1),rand(10,1),'scatter'); hlx = xlabel(hx(1), 'only half of line show up'); hl1 = ylabel(hx(1), 'not truncated less border'); hl2 = ylabel(hx(2), 'only part of line show up'); ht  = title(hx(1), 'too close border'); 

you may replace manually entered number 1.4 ratio between newly assigned (bigger, hopefully) font size , original size 10.

fixed result
