Spring MVC maven Controller called twice -

i new spring mvc, maven , tomcat. have written controller have defined bean. when type url in broswer like: localhost:8080/hello.htm controller called , called again when hit url. eg

<bean name="/hello.htm" class="com.paytm.controller.inventorycontroller">     <property name="jdbcproductdao">         <bean class="com.paytm.repository.jdbcproductdao">             <constructor-arg ref="datasource"></constructor-arg>         </bean>     </property> </bean> 

and in controller

public modelandview handlerequest(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response)         throws servletexception, ioexception {     product product = new product();     product.setprice(23.45);     product.setdescription("test product");     this.jdbcproductdao.saveproduct(product);     ...   } 

as result product saved twice in db. query why controller called when type url(and not hit it)?

your browser caches url when sees same url in omnibox every , then. clear cache , fix issue. can check chrome prerenders typing in chrome browser.


for more details can take @ this source
