java - App to check who is logging in and direct them to the correct page accordingly -

the code have below simple android login app built , want direct user page if login correct, user can login , @ profile, they're both directed same profile regardless of are. have 2 profile activity's niallprofile.xml , alannahprofile.xml, @ present both directed niallprofile want change if credentials 'alannah' , password entered direct page. can show me how this? preferably using intent if possible know how use them. code below checks see if login successful , if was, they're brought nialls profile

public class backgroundworker extends asynctask<string, void, string> { context context; alertdialog alertdialog; backgroundworker (context ctx){     context = ctx; }  @override protected string doinbackground(string... params) {     string type = params[0];     string login_url = "";     if (type.equals("login")) {         try {             string username = params[1];             string password = params[2];             url url = new url(login_url);             httpurlconnection httpurlconnection = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();             httpurlconnection.setrequestmethod("post");             httpurlconnection.setdooutput(true);             httpurlconnection.setdoinput(true);             outputstream outputstream = httpurlconnection.getoutputstream();             bufferedwriter bufferedwriter = new bufferedwriter(new outputstreamwriter(outputstream, "utf-8"));             string post_data = urlencoder.encode("username", "utf-8") + "=" + urlencoder.encode(username, "utf-8") + "&"                     + urlencoder.encode("password", "utf-8") + "=" + urlencoder.encode(password, "utf-8");             bufferedwriter.write(post_data);             bufferedwriter.flush();             bufferedwriter.close();             outputstream.close();             inputstream inputstream = httpurlconnection.getinputstream();             bufferedreader bufferedreader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(inputstream, "iso-8859-1"));             string result = "";             string line = "";             while ((line = bufferedreader.readline()) != null) {                 result += line;             }             bufferedreader.close();             inputstream.close();             httpurlconnection.disconnect();             return result;         } catch (malformedurlexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }   @override protected void onpostexecute(string result) {      if (result.contains("successful login")){         intent profileintent = new intent(context, niallprofile.class);         context.startactivity(profileintent);     } else {         alertdialog.setmessage(result);;     } } 

in part check if ( username == "alannah") store variable somewhere can access in onpostexecute, or better make onpostexecute accept additional parameter, onpostexecute(string username, string results)

and make check:

 if (result.contains("successful login")){    if(username == "alannah") {         intent profileintent = new intent(context, alannahprofile.class);         context.startactivity(profileintent);    } else {         intent profileintent = new intent(context, niallprofile.class);         context.startactivity(profileintent);    }   } else {         alertdialog.setmessage(result);;  } 

if later support more users, consider using switch statement instead of if-else.
