objective c - As of iOS 10.3: UIButton ignoring negative paragraph lineSpacing in NSAttributedString -

i have uibutton 2 words, wrapped 2 lines (i set lines value "2" in code later). have been tightening default linespacing putting in negative value paragraph linespacing (as simplified & shown below).

as of ios 10.3, appears negative value being ignored. while can increase linespacing positive value, can not tighten 2 lines anymore.

does else know how tighten in uibutton? (i'm ready change control up... thought i'd post question).

much all.

nsmutableparagraphstyle *paragraphstyle = [[nsmutableparagraphstyle alloc] init]; paragraphstyle.linespacing = -15.0f; paragraphstyle.alignment = nstextalignmentleft;  nsdictionary * attributes = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:                              [uicolor whitecolor], nsstrokecolorattributename,                              [uicolor greencolor], nsforegroundcolorattributename,                              @(-2.0), nsstrokewidthattributename,                              paragraphstyle, nsparagraphstyleattributename,                              nil]; nsmutableattributedstring *buttontitle = [[nsmutableattributedstring alloc] initwithstring:str attributes:attributes];  self.thebutton.titlelabel.numberoflines = 2; [self.thebutton setattributedtitle:buttontitle forstate:uicontrolstatenormal]; 

edit: looks issue uilabel also.
