i trying read lines longer 255 chars file pascal line line. not allowed read char char , glued standard settings of free pascal compiler. can achieve that? possible? read hints using blockread wasn't able find enough information clue how it's done.
i open suggestions though long fulfill restrictions.
thank in advance cheers -gladston3
i don't quite see problem. works (lazarus/freepascal on windows 7):
program project1; const filename = 'test.txt'; procedure writelonglines; var s: string; t: text; begin s := stringofchar('#', 350); assign(t, filename); rewrite(t); writeln(t, s); writeln(t, s); writeln(t, s); close(t); end; var t: text; s: string; begin writelonglines; assign(t, filename); reset(t); while not eof(t) begin readln(t, s); writeln(length(s), ' ', s); end; readln; end.
the lines 350 characters in length (i.e. > 255). can read without problem. did not change of standard settings.
lazarus v1.6 2016-02-14, fpc 3.0.0.
just tried on os x. works fine too. , works fine in ubuntu 16.04.
hmmm... don't tell me using short strings (max 255 chars)?
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