What is required for Azure Function Automatic Build and Nuget Restore -

this article shows 1 step closer efficient , effective continuous integration workflow azure function. (thanks donna m microsoft).


rather re-create our azure functions web applications, know needs included in repository kudu or azure function runtime automatically perform nuget restore , build project. ideally, add whatever needed our projects satisfy build system.

previously had deploy.cmd script in our repositories according azure web app convention orchestrate restore , build ourselves. worked in january because azure functions built on web apps, has stopped working , found folder structure has been rearranged bit (probably due fixes implemented locking of .dll files). understand deploy.cmd never officially supported, we'd know how modify our existing projects work in current version of azure functions.

here's answer on things nuget & functions deployment: how can use nuget packages in azure functions?

nuget restore , project build should happen automatically .csx function apps.

all need follow folder structure conventions. here's example:

function1/   function.json   run.csx   other.csx   project.json function2/   function.json   run.csx   project.json shared/   shared.csx host.json 

to make sure shared folder code watched changes, add shared watchdirectories in host.json.
