tidyverse - How to restrict full_join() duplicates? - R -

i novice r programmer. below dataframe using. running filtering problem full_join() tidyverse.

library(tidyverse)  set.seed(1234) df <- data.frame(               trial = rep(0:1, each = 8),               sex = rep(c('m','f'), 4),               participant = rep(1:4, 4),               x = runif(16, 1, 10),               y = runif(16, 1, 10))  df 

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i doing following operation full_join()

df <- df %>% mutate(k = 1) df <- df %>%     full_join(df, = "k")  

i restricting results obtain combination of points same participant between trials

df2 <- filter(df, sex.x == sex.y, participant.x == participant.y, trial.x != trial.y) df3 <- filter(df2, participant.x == 1) df3 

enter image description here

here, @ step, running trouble. not care order of points. how condense duplicates 1 row?

thank you

depending on columns considering, use duplicate function. first 1 weed out duplicates based on first 5 columns. last 1 weed out duplicates based on

df3[!duplicated(df3[,1:5]),]  df3[!duplicated(df3[,7:11]),] 
