i have made rbind
xml-tei attributes vectors. retrieved them xmlgetattr
listinterp <- (i in 1:length(interp)) print((cbind(rbind(ktu = (xmlgetattr(interp[[i]],"ana")), verb.category = (xmlgetattr(interpref[[i]],"ana")), character = (xmlgetattr(interppers[[i]],"ana")), state =(xmlgetattr(interppers_state[[i]],"ana")), location = (xmlgetattr(interpplace_loc[[i]],"ana"))))))
sample of result:
[,1] ktu "#ktu1-3_ii_l5b-6a" verb.category "whataction #ktu1-3_ii_l5b-6a_tmtḫṣ #verb.competition #contend" character "#whatcharacter #character #ant #female" state "#whatrole #active" location "#whatsphere #outside" [,1] ktu "#ktu1-3_ii_l6b" verb.category "whataction #ktu1-3_ii_l6b_tḫtṣb #confrontation #action" character "#whatcharacter #character #ant #female" state "#whatrole #active" location "#whatsphere #outside" [,1] ktu "#ktu1-3_ii_l7" verb.category "whataction #ktu1-3_ii_l7_tmḫṣ #destruction #action" character "#whatcharacter #character #ant #female" state "#whatrole #active" location "#whatsphere #outside"
then data.frame, have tried:
df <- data.frame(ktu, verb.category, character, state, location) df #result ktu verb.category character state location 1 #ktu1-3_ii_l15b_16a whataction #ktu1-3_ii_l5b_6a_tmtḫṣ #confrontation #action #whatcharacter #character #ant #female #whatrole #active #whatsphere #outside
i don't understand why have first row of data.
a suggestion? in advance, thank you.
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