i have complex web application , trying convert vuejs … seem have hit problem when try create v-for loop on indexed array. have hit limitation of vuejs?
here’s contexts html loop:
<div v-for="(thisview,vindex) in viewsettings"> <div v-for="(thetemplate,tindex) in itemplates" v-bind:id="'tmpt-vf-tab-'+thisview.incid+'-'+tindex"> <span class="attribute-controls" v-for="thisatt in thisview.c.catts[tindex]"> <input type='checkbox' v-model='thisatt.useatt'/> {{ thisatt.attid }} </span>
vuejs tells me there problem render function: “undefined not object (evaluating 'thisview.c.catts[tindex]')”
any thoughts?
here's example program demonstrates v-for nestings working expected. might check whether data structure works here.
new vue({ el: '#app', data: { viewsettings: [{ c: { catts: [ [{ useatt: false, attid: 'only' }], [{ useatt: true, attid: 'first' }, { useatt: false, attid: 'second' } ] ] } }], itemplates: [2, 3] } });
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.2.6/vue.min.js"></script> <div id="app"> <div v-for="(thisview, vindex) in viewsettings"> <div v-for="(thetemplate, tindex) in itemplates"> <div class="attribute-controls" v-for="thisatt in thisview.c.catts[tindex]"> <label>{{thisatt.attid}} <input type='checkbox' v-model='thisatt.useatt' /></label> {{thisatt.useatt}} </div> </div> </div> </div>
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