ios - SDWebImage with FIRStorage in objective c -

i have take images firebase storage. changing images while scroll , down in table view. tried thing s on internet , stack overflow, no luck. below code.

#import "tableviewcontroller.h" #import "customcell.h" #import "detailviewcontroller.h" #import "dataobj.h" #import "mzformsheetpresentationviewcontrollersegue.h" #import "browsetableviewcontroller.h" #import "favouritestableviewcontroller.h" #import "profileobj.h" #import "loginviewcontroller.h" #import "inboxtableviewcontroller.h" #import "profileviewcontroller.h"  #import <keychainitemwrapper/keychainitemwrapper.h>  @import sdwebimage; @import firebasedatabaseui; @import firebase; @import firebaseauthui; @import firebasegoogleauthui; @import firebasefacebookauthui; - (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     static nsstring *cellidentifier;     customcell *cell;     if(indexpath.row == 0){         cellidentifier = @"cell1";         cell = [tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:cellidentifier];      }else{      cellidentifier = @"cell";     cell = [tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:cellidentifier]; firstorage *storage = [firstorage storage];     firstoragereference *storageref = [[storage reference] child:@"publiclistings"];      if([photo0 intvalue] == 1){         firstoragereference *idref = [storageref child:self.snaps.key];         firstoragereference *folderref = [idref child:@"photos"];         nsstring *filename = @"photo0.jpg";         firstoragereference *imageref = [folderref child:filename];         [imageref downloadurlwithcompletion:^(nsurl *url, nserror *error){             if(error != nil){                 nslog(@"%@",error);             }             else{                 [cell.imgphoto sd_setimagewithurl:url                              placeholderimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"image3.png"]                                       options:sdwebimagerefreshcached];  //                nsstring *url = url.absolutestring; //                [cell.imgphoto sd_setimagewithurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:url]];             }         }];     } } } 

tableviewcell reusable , may dequeued cell has been used, try clear cell state after got cell.

in case, try set

cell.imgphoto = nil;  


cell.imgphoto = [uiimage imagenamed:@"image3.png"]; 

before use cell.
