spring - Unable to pass parameter from an xhtml/jsf file to client applet -

i trying pass parameter value xhtml file embedded applet in standard form. looks this: (xhtml file)

<applet code="appletparametertest.class" width="400" height="50">   <param name="font"    value="dialog">   <param name="size"    value="24">   <param name="string"  value="hello, world ... it's me.   :)"> </applet>  

(applet code)

public class appletparametertest extends applet {   public void paint(graphics g) {    string myfont   = getparameter("font");   string mystring = getparameter("string"); 

if use normal html file , try same, able without fuss.

but development scenario involves jsf, spring , spring security , not sure if it's causing trouble. parameters not received @ applet. on different application not using spring security, parameter passing works fine.

spring security configuration file aptly configured ensure authenticated access particular folder applet , xhtml resides:

<security:intercept-url pattern="/**" access="is_authenticated_anonymously" /> 

can suggest, why happening , how can resolve it?

the issue resolved now. issue because of use of 'verbatim' tag. seems when spring security used jsf, 'verbatim' tag doesn't allow passing parameter applet.
