Unable to combine user input variables -

i use 3 separate values of user input combine variable defined, , value of defined variable.

current playbook:

- hosts:   remote_user: root   gather_facts: true   vars: # lab     lab_bau_la1:         ""     lab_dfw_aws:         ""     lab_rt_la1:          "" # production     prod_bau_lap:       ""     prod_dfw_la2:       ""     prod_rt_aws:        ""    vars_prompt:     - name: env       prompt: "production or lab?  input options: prod/lab"       private: no      - name: system       prompt: "bau or realtime or dfw system?  input options: bau/rt/dfw"       private: no      - name: location       prompt: "location of system?  input options: aws/lap/la1/la2"       private: no    tasks:     - name: test connectivity       wait_for: host={{  vars[{{  vars.env  }}_{{  vars.system  }}_{{  vars.location  }}]  }} port=80 delay=0 timeout=10 state=started 

the above not work. here output of playbook:

[root@ansmgt]# ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/playbooks/test.yaml -i /tmp/test -vvv using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg config file ssh password:  1 plays in /etc/ansible/playbooks/test.yaml new host production or lab?  input options: prod/lab: prod new host bau or realtime or dfw system?  input options: bau/rt/dfw: bau location of server?  input options: crbc/labc/aws/crp/lap/njp/vap/mssn/ffld/la1: lap   play ***************************************************************************  task [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [kicktest01.me.net]  task [test connectivity] ***************************** fatal: [kicktest01.me.net]: failed! => {"failed": true, "msg": "error! template error while templating string: expected token ':', got '}'"}  play recap ********************************************************************* kicktest01.me.net   : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=1    

i know how can combine user input, , specific value defined variables.

in specific case, user input is: prod, bau, lap. combining 3 prod_bau_lap , looking actual value of

i suggest defining dynamic variable make code cleaner.

add vars:

destination_host: "{{ env }}_{{ system }}_{{ location }}" 

use in task (i'm not fan of ansible notation, changed syntax yaml):

- name: test connectivity   wait_for:     host: "{{ vars[destination_host] }}"     port: 80     delay: 0     timeout: 10     state: started 
