c# - Renaming or Distinguishing Microsoft Unit Tests when unit tests are in a base class -

as exercise wrote selectionsort , mergesort class , of course felt should have unit tests them! briefly, classes selectionsort , mergesort this:

public interface isort {       void sort(int[] array); }  public class mergesort : isort {     public  void sort(int[] array)     {         mergesortimplementation(array,0,array.length-1) ;     } // mergesortimplementation left off brevity } public class selectionsort : isort {     public  void sort(int[] array)     {         selectionsortimplementation(array);     }  } 

for unit tests, had test class each class, realized doing same tests mergesort , selectionsort, , i'm planning on adding different types of sort. made base class , had test classes merge , selction sort inherit it.

public class sortingtests {     protected isort _sortroutine = null;       [testmethod]     public void sort2itemstest()     {         int[] array = new int[] { 3, 2 };         _sortroutine.sort(array);         (int = 0; < array.length - 1; i++)         {             assert.istrue(array[i] <= array[i + 1]);         }     }     // many more test omitted brevity   }   [testclass] public class selectionsorttests : sortingtests {     [testinitialize]     public void initialize()     {         _sortroutine = new selectionsort();     } } [testclass] public class mergesorttests : sortingtests {     [testinitialize]     public void initialize()     {         _sortroutine = new mergesort();     } } 

this works great , it's nice when want add new test, add base class. there problems. in test window, end repeated names each test. see 2 copies of sort2itemstest example.

is there way force testing framework rename tests or give identifying info can tell sort2itemstest mergesort , selection sort?

i suppose can have stub methods in mergesorttests , selectionsorttests call


but seems lot of typing.

thanks, dave
