How can I get MatLab to loop through rows in an Excel sheet and plot the data in subplots? -

i have data in excel spreadsheet want import matlab plot in 3d. want different plot display each row of data. rows b3:p3 through b74:p74. thinking for loop work best, can't syntax right have read data starts when ends.

what have messy because have been trying different things. have far:

datasetstart = xlsread('data.xlsx', 'sheet', 'b3:p3'); datasetend = xlsread('data.xlsx', 'sheet', 'b74:p74');   %what x values  %x = dataset(rows, columns) x&y locations of tcs x = xlsread('data.xlsx', 'sheet', 'u3:u17'); y = xlsread('data.xlsx', 'sheet', 'v3:v17'); %specify grid points on mesh grid v_x = linspace(-10,10,50); v_y = linspace(-5,5,50); %build 2d mesh [xx,yy] = meshgrid(v_x,v_y); mesh(xx,yy,ones(50,50))  time_loop = datasetstart:datasetend %     subplot(x,y,time_loop); mesh(z,y,time_loop); title('works'); %     plot3(x,y,time_loop,'.'); %     f2 = figure(1); %     zz = griddata(x,y,time_loop,xx,yy); %     time = y; end  z = xlsread('data.xlsx', 'sheet', 'b3:p3');  plot3(x,y,z,'.');  % imported data zz = griddata(x,y,z,xx,yy);  f2 = figure(1); clf; hold on; set(f2, 'renderer', 'zbuffer');  surf(xx,yy,zz); shading flat; %contour3(xx,yy,zz,30) title('thermal plot @ time') %x axis xlabel('x location (inches)') %y axis ylabel('y location (inches)') %z axis zlabel('z temperature (celsius)') 

if understand problem correctly, problem not plotting, iterating on rows excel document. can generating range on fly follows:

... %read x , y data  = 3:74     range = ['b', num2str(i), ':p', num2str(i)];     z = xlsread('data.xlsx', 'sheet', range);      ... % create plots want current z values end 
