How to check the process with subprocess in Python 2.6? -

i have shell script used run quick process check mechanism in linux environment. below 1 piece of code using.

how can achieve same in python? searched , found use "subprocess" module purpose, enough?

check_ntp () {     echo "checking ntp service status on $(uname -n)"     ps -e | grep ntp > /dev/null 2>&1     if [ $? -eq 0 ] ;     echo "service status:  ntp service running"     else     echo "service status:  ntp service not running"     fi     } 


i found answer question myself:

#!/usr/bin/python  import subprocess psntp ='ps -e| grep ntp > /dev/null 2>&1', shell=true) if psntp == 0:     print "status:  ntp service running" else:    print "status:  ntp service not runningg"  psnscd ='ps -e | grep nscd > /dev/null 2>&1', shell=true) if psnscd == 0:    print "status:  nscd service running" else:    print "status:  nscd service not running" 

i couldn't figure out how subprocess.check_output using subprocess.popen may job:

import subprocess  cmd1 = ['ps', '-e']  cmd2 = ['grep', 'ntp']  proc1 = subprocess.popen(cmd1,stdout=subprocess.pipe) proc2 = subprocess.popen(cmd2,stdin=proc1.stdout,                          stdout=subprocess.pipe,stderr=subprocess.pipe)  proc1.stdout.close() # allow proc1 receive sigpipe if proc2 exits. out, err=proc2.communicate()  if out:     print "service status:  ntp service running" else:     print "service status:  ntp service not running"  # print('out: {0}'.format(out)) # optionally view output # print('err: {0}'.format(err)) # , errors 
