No console output on Eclipse with Fortran -

all. i'm writing relatively simple program iterates through list of data , returns peak values school project.

here's code far:

    program fortran_project_1     implicit none     integer::cnt,cnt1,     integer:: peaks=5     real, dimension(360):: time,impulse     real, allocatable :: impulselist(:)     integer, dimension(360)::interval     character(len=150)::clean,header     clean='c:\users\user\desktop\fortran_project_1\ir_clean.txt'     print *, clean      open (unit=1,file=clean)      cnt1=1,4         read (1,*) header     end      cnt=1,443         read(1,*) interval(cnt),time(cnt),impulse(cnt)     end    print *, 'choose amount of peaks find'    read *, peaks    deallocate (impulselist)    allocate (impulselist(peaks))     = 1, cnt         if (impulse(i)>impulse(i+1) .and. impulse(i)>impulse(i-1))                 peaks = peaks - 1                 impulselist(peaks) = impulse(i)         end if         if (peaks < 1)             exit         end if     end     close (1)     print *, impulselist end program fortran_project_1 

anyways, when running , inputting amount of peaks user wants find, console totally blank. prints clean variable , query that's all. should do?


edit: console output:

choose amount of peaks find


it strange nothing happens. should error message.

array impulselist not allocated , calling deallocate(impulselist). not allowed , should diagnosed compiler , should complain when code running.
