javascript - ReactJS - Conditional execution only works if state var is empty string, breaks if null or false -
i'm having recurring bizarre issue conditional rendering in react.
when try evaluate state variable truthy/falsy, it functions if have variable set empty string -- null or false break entire component following error:
uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'props' of null @ traverse (bundle.js:42660) @ foreachsinglechild (bundle.js:8941) @ traverseallchildrenimpl (bundle.js:9934) @ traverseallchildrenimpl (bundle.js:9950) @ traverseallchildren (bundle.js:10029) @ object.foreachchildren [as foreach] (bundle.js:8961) @ traverse (bundle.js:42669) @ foreachsinglechild (bundle.js:8941) @ traverseallchildrenimpl (bundle.js:9934) @ traverseallchildren (bundle.js:10029)
here's stripped down snippet of code triggering it, of function's actual html has been removed it's irrelevant:
export class mycomponentname extends react.component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { itemsloaded: false, }; } render() { if (this.enabletranslations && { return ( this.editcategorytranslatedview() ); } else if ( { return( this.editcategoryuntranslatedview() ); } else { return( this.addcategoryview() ); } } editcategorytranslatedview() { return ( { this.state.itemsloaded ? <some html here> : this.sectionloading() } ) }
edit: appears might react package tabs on page causing issue
import {tabs, tabcontent, tablink} 'react-tabs-redux';
it's used in manner inside returning function:
<tabs> <tablink to="tab1">english</tablink> <tablink to="tab2">translations</tablink> <tabcontent for="tab1"> { this.state.itemsloaded ? <some html here> : this.sectionloading() } </tabcontent> <tabcontent for="tab2"> //etc etc </tabcontent> </tabs>
var tabs = function (_component) { _inherits(tabs, _component); function tabs() { _classcallcheck(this, tabs); var _this = _possibleconstructorreturn(this, (tabs.__proto__ || object.getprototypeof(tabs)).call(this)); _this.state = { selectedtab: null }; _this.handleselect = _this.handleselect.bind(_this); return _this; } _createclass(tabs, [{ key: 'handleselect', value: function handleselect(tab) { this.setstate({ selectedtab: tab }); } }, { key: 'finddefault', value: function finddefault(children) { if (this.defaulttab) { return this.defaulttab; } var firstlink = void 0; var firstdefaultlink = void 0; var traverse = function traverse(child) { if (!child.props || firstdefaultlink) { return; } if ( { firstlink = firstlink ||; firstdefaultlink = firstdefaultlink || child.props.default &&; } _react2.default.children.foreach(child.props.children, traverse); }; _react2.default.children.foreach(children, traverse); this.defaulttab = firstdefaultlink || firstlink; return this.defaulttab; } }
apply function call context. e.g 'this.editcategoryuntranslatedview.apply(this)' , try.
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