Ember.JS: There is no route named blah -

i getting error:

assertion failed: attempted define `{{link-to "companies.show"}}` did not pass parameters required generating dynamic segments. there no route named companies.show 

but have route in router.js , working before added 2 new routes along component editing/adding records. indeed gone right - can nav directly either. think have error in different part of dominoing route.

// router.js  router.map(function() {   this.route('states');   this.route('companytypes');    this.route('companies', function() {     this.route('show', {path: '/:company_id'});     this.route('new');     this.route('edit', {path: '/:company_id'});   });    this.route('counties', {path : '/counties/:state'}); });  // routes/companies.js export default ember.route.extend({   model() {     return this.get('store').findall('company');   } });  // routes/companies/show.js export default ember.route.extend({   model(params) {     return this.get('store').findrecord('company', params.company_id);   } }); 

i passing model parameter in link-to , show route has model hook.

ok, problem duplicated same route in router.js

// router.js this.route('companies', function() {     this.route('show', {path: '/:company_id'});     this.route('new');     this.route('edit', {path: '/:company_id'});   }); 

both show , edit have same route: if nav http://localhost:4200/companies/1 supposed go show or edit? edit overwrites show because comes last. move show after edit:

// router.js this.route('companies', function() {     this.route('new');     this.route('edit', {path: '/:company_id'});     this.route('show', {path: '/:company_id'});   }); 

and show starts working, edit break.

so need this:

// router.js this.route('companies', function() {     this.route('new');     this.route('edit', {path: '/edit/:company_id'});     this.route('show', {path: '/:company_id'});   }); 

your routes now:

http://localhost:4200/companies/1 http://localhost:4200/companies/edit/1 
