i have following code in index.html grabs dictionary list , prints out keys , values table
$(function() { $('a#search').bind('click', function() { $.getjson('/_search', { a: $('input[name="a"]').val() }, function(data) { var tabledata = '<table>' $.each(data.result, function(key, value){ tabledata += '<tr><td>' + ' ' + key + ' ' + '</td>'; alert(key) $.each(value, function(val){ alert(value[val]) tabledata += '<td>' + value[val] + '</td>'; }); tabledata += '</tr>'; }); tabledata += '</table>'; $('#table').html(tabledata); });
what grabbing dictionary list search.py
result = defaultdict(list) return jsonify(result=result)
result contains following
defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'developer': ['office koukan', 'jorudan', 'beam software'], 'publisher': ['shouei', 'vap', 'hi tech expressions'], 'releasedate': ['march 18, 1994', 'november 18, 1994', 'october 1, 1993'], 'title': ['idea no hi', 'pachinko hi hisshouhou', 'hunthe hunt red october']})
however output follows
developer publisher releasedate title office koukan jorudan beam software shouei vap hi tech expressions march 18, 1994 november 18, 1994 october 1, 1993 idea no hi pachinko hi hisshouhou hunthe hunt red october
when output should be
developer publisher releasedate title office shouei ... ... koukan vap ... ... jorudan ... ... ... beam software ... ... ...
any idea might doing wrong?
this sample of referencing (note took out part gets data , hard coded that, pushed result div.
note simple array processes differently array of objects using $.each()
regarding index vs key object name (like header values have)
// sample data use (instead of json call)
var mything = { 'developer': ['office koukan', 'jorudan', 'beam software'], 'publisher': ['shouei', 'vap', 'hi tech expressions'], 'releasedate': ['march 18, 1994', 'november 18, 1994', 'october 1, 1993'], 'title': ['idea no hi', 'pachinko hi hisshouhou', 'hunthe hunt red october'] }; $(function() { var data = mything;// sample data // create table append rows var tabledata = $('<table>'); // append header row tabledata.append('<tr/>'); // reference header row append header td var header = tabledata.find('tr').eq(0); $.each(data, function(headthing, value) { header.append('<td>' + headthing + '</td>'); $.each(value, function(idx, myval) { if (!tabledata.find('tr').eq(idx + 1).length) { tabledata.append('<tr/>'); // new row if not 1 } // put columns in row each data tabledata.find('tr').eq(idx + 1).append('<td>' + myval + '</td>'); }); }); // put table somewhere $('#results').html(tabledata); });
here fiddle showing https://jsfiddle.net/markschultheiss/ro5egfu3/1/
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