javascript - Protractor is not running features file from cucumber -

i'm working in implementation of cucumber protractor , seems ok because not failing when execute termal said 0 scenarios executed.

this conf.js:

exports.config = {   seleniumaddress: '',   framework: 'custom',   frameworkpath: require.resolve('protractor-cucumber-framework'),    capabilities: {     'browsername': 'firefox'   },    specs: './features/login.feature',    onprepare: function(){     browser.driver.manage().window().maximize()     browser.get('')   },    jasminenodeopts: {     showcolors: true, // use colors in command line report.   },    cucumberopts: {     require: 'features/steps/my_steps.js',   } }; 

this tree of framework:

enter image description here

but when execute protractor conf.jsi have output in terminal:

[17:27:45] i/launcher - running 1 instances of webdriver [17:27:45] i/hosted - using selenium server @ 0 scenarios 0 steps 0m00.000s 

so want know if had wrong on conf.js or there command should execute run features file protractor.

hope can me.

it depends on how configured running of conf.js file. example.

root | |_features |_config | |_conf.js |_package.json

if having script in package json triggers protractor root of project triggered example npm test root of project, protractor search files root/{config.specs}

if running script example ./config-folder search root/config/{config.specs}.

so depends trigger script in searching feature-files
