Facing issue regarding Selenium(with java) and Firefox connectivity -

error: unable connect host on port 7055 after 45000 ms.

before scripts working fine..but every script has stopped working. have updated selenium version 3.0.1.(updated jar files), updated firefox version 52.0.2 ...java version 8.

please suggest missing?

with geckodriver version v0.15 , have use selenium 3.3.1

you need provide firefox binary location. 1 way of doing below code -

firefoxoptions options = new firefoxoptions(); options.setbinary("c:\\program files (x86)\\mozilla firefox\\firefox.exe"); //location firefox installed  desiredcapabilities capabilities = desiredcapabilities.firefox(); capabilities.setcapability("moz:firefoxoptions", options);  firefoxdriver driver = new firefoxdriver(capabilities); driver.get("http://www.google.com"); 

more info here - http://www.automationtestinghub.com/selenium-3-0-launch-firefox-with-geckodriver/
