#react-native [0.42] - New Navigation with Redux - Cannot map state to props -

rn: 0.42

  1. i tried use new navigation (that released) + redux , unable map initial state of redux props, in screen store passed.
  2. i followed this: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/guides/redux
  3. i have written custom reducer.

export const types = {    ...  }    export const actioncreators = {    authenticate: () => async (dispatch, getstate) => {      ...    }  }    const initialstate = {    auth: {      ...    }  }    export const reducer = (state = initialstate, action) => {    const {auth} = state    const {type, payload, error} = action      switch (type) {      ...    }      return state  }

  1. in index.ios.js have combined own custom reducer

import { addnavigationhelpers } 'react-navigation';  import * 'appreducer';    const appnavigator = stacknavigator({    home: { screen: mytabnavigator },  });    const navreducer = (state, action) => {    const newstate = appnavigator.router.getstateforaction(action, state);    return (newstate ? newstate : state)  };    const appreducer = combinereducers({    nav: navreducer,    app: appreducer  });    @connect(state => ({    nav: state.nav,  }))  class appwithnavigationstate extends react.component {    render() {      return (        <appnavigator navigation={addnavigationhelpers({          dispatch: this.props.dispatch,          state: this.props.nav,        })} />      );    }  }    const store = createstore(appreducer);    class app extends react.component {    render() {      return (        <provider store={store}>          <appwithnavigationstate />        </provider>      );    }  }

  1. inside home.js, 'mapstatetoprops' not work.

import react, { component } 'react'  import { view, text, stylesheet } 'react-native'  import { connect } 'react-redux'    import { actioncreators } './appredux'    const mapstatetoprops = (state) => ({    //this problem: here 'state' has no 'auth' object attached    auth: state.auth  })    class home extends component {      componentwillmount() {      const {dispatch} = this.props      //dispatch works      dispatch(actioncreators.authenticate('testid', 'testtoken'))    }          render() {      const {auth} = this.props        return (        <view style={styles.container}>            <text>              welcome {auth['name']}            </text>        </view>      )    }  }    const styles = stylesheet.create({    container: {      flex: 1,    }  })    export default connect(mapstatetoprops)(home)

  1. note, dispatch function available fire 'state' not have reducer 'initialstate' attached it.

please let me know correct way attach reducer initialstate various screens in new rn navigation.

i got doing wrong, in index.ios.js change import * 'appreducer'; import {reducer} 'appreducer'; current combined reducer function

const appreducer = combinereducers({   nav: navreducer,   app: reducer }); 

then in home.js mapstatetoprops should like

const mapstatetoprops = (state) => ({   //this problem: here 'state' has no 'auth' object attached   authstate: state.app    //remember store contains reducers state had passed in combinereducer function }) 

now use in component

this.props.authstate.auth        //remember had wrapped auth object within initialstate object 
