coreos docker-compose v2: exposed port filtered behind Firewall and unreachable -

i found strange behavior regarding network port exposition between docker-compose vs docker, mean can not set docker-compose

on coreos vm running under virtualbox set 2 containers

  1. the first mysql database (mysql)
  2. the second web application image (myghost) build based on ghost image

a - method work : docker :

command use launch 2 containers

docker build -t myghost .   docker run -d --name mysql -e mysql_root_password=root -e mysql_database=ghost -e mysql_password=password -e mysql_user=ghost -p 3306 mysql   sudo docker run -d --link mysql --name ghost -p 80:2368 myghost 

port 80 correctly exposed , can connect host network

nmap scan vm shows port 80 open (nmap -st

starting nmap 7.40 ( ) @ 2017-04-05 23:06 cest nmap scan report coreos1.home ( host (0.000088s latency). not shown: 996 closed ports port      state service 22/tcp    open  ssh 80/tcp    open  http 4001/tcp  open  newoak 32779/tcp open  sometimes-rpc21 mac address: 08:00:27:90:17:cf (oracle virtualbox virtual nic) 

iptables configuration (sudo iptables -l) returns :

chain docker (3 references) target     prot opt source               destination accept     tcp  --  anywhere              tcp dpt:mysql accept     tcp  --  anywhere              tcp dpt:2368 

sudo iptables -s shows

-a docker -d ! -i br-282da314ef5d -o br-282da314ef5d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j accept -a docker -d ! -i br-282da314ef5d -o br-282da314ef5d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 2368 -j accept 

nb: dockerfile build myghost image contains copy of js file

b - method not work: docker-compose :

here docker-compose.yml

version: '2' services:  mysql:   image: mysql   container_name: mysql   ports:    - "3306"   environment:    - mysql_root_password=root    - mysql_database=ghost    - mysql_user=ghost    - mysql_password=password  myghost:   build: ./myghost   container_name: myghost   depends_on:    - mysql   ports:    - "80:2368"   expose:    - "80" 

nb in configuration try use expose: directive not change issue

i launch docker-compose --build -d. at first execution ghost webapp never starts (error connecting database) , strange because docker-compose.yml contains depends_on ...

docker inspect ghost container returns

error: connect econnrefused

error: connect econnrefused

at second run container starts

docker ps -a container id        image               command                  created              status              ports                          names 945d75995d11        appghost_myghost    "/ npm s"   21 minutes  ago      21 minutes       80/tcp,>2368/tcp   myghost aea76509818e        mysql               ""   25 minutes  ago      25 minutes>3306/tcp        mysql  docker-compose ps  name               command             state              ports ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- myghost   / npm start >2368/tcp, 80/tcp mysql mysqld>3306/tcp 

ping between 2 containers ok
web application unreacheable , shows port 80 filtered nmap scan

port      state    service 22/tcp    open     ssh 80/tcp    filtered http 32780/tcp filtered sometimes-rpc23 

i noticed way iptables -s configuration looks (only diff part)

-a docker -d ! -i br-282da314ef5d -o br-282da314ef5d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j accept -a docker -d ! -i br-282da314ef5d -o br-282da314ef5d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 2368 -j accept 

more information

docker version 1.12.6, build d5236f0   docker-compose version 1.11.2, build dfed245   coreos 1298.7.0   virtualbox v5.1.8 / bridged network configuration uname -a: linux coreos1 4.10.4-coreos-r1 #1 smp fri mar 31 01:58:22 utc 2017 x86_64 intel(r) core(tm) i7-2600k cpu @ 3.40ghz genuineintel gnu/linux 

reboot coreos when face kind of issue resolve problem
