ide - How to turn on Annotate in the WebStorm 2017.1 -

i have upgraded webstorm form 2011 2017. , @ once encountered problem - don't understand how turn on annotate. worked in 2011 webstorm.

i use tortoisesvn:

  1. i browse vcs repository
  2. checkout version control
  3. and when click annotate - receive error: unknown error

as remember in versions can choose vcs->integrate project can choose 2 branches. , there nothing choose. see - 2 windows, , 1 of them message "nothing show"

suddenly found answer... in end of day... problem in setting: version control->subversion - must set path svn.exe. , if use 1.9 tortoise - must install, during installation or after, command-line svn client. receive svn.exe
