why number , totallength still 0? doing wrong. should have changed due line in lines statement
def cleanedup(s): alphabet= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' cleantext = '' character in s.lower(): if character in alphabet: cleantext += character else: cleantext = ' ' return cleantext import shelve shelf = shelve.open('books') lines = shelf['pride , prejudice'] shelf.close() number = 0 totallength = 0 line in lines: word in cleanedup(line).split(): number += 1 totallength += len(word) print(totallength, number)
this main problem script:
character in s.lower(): ... else: cleantext = ' '
i'm not sure right position else
, in case you've put after loop, cleantext
reset each time run function because loop has no break
statement inside. more info on for ... else ...
although might not want (question little unclear), following code works:
def cleanedup(s): alphabet= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' cleantext = '' character in s.lower(): if character in alphabet: cleantext += character return cleantext lines = ['lorem ipsum dolor sin amet', 'foo bar'] number = 0 totallength = 0 line in lines: word in cleanedup(line).split(): number += 1 totallength += len(word) print(totallength, number)
>>> 28 2 # 28 = total number of characters, 2 = total number of lines
ps: next time, provide more concise example demonstrates problem, instead of using external file.
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