reactjs - Cannot navigate out of route with a parameter with React Router in Meteor -

i having trouble when using navigation bar move away route not accessible it.

here navbar:

enter image description here

when use clicks on search presented table of charities listed in country. route search page is:

<route path="search" component={searchcontainer} />

from table click on particular charity taken it's page. route is:

<route path="charity/:registeredcharitynumber" component={charitypagecontainer} />

the problem once viewing charity, clicking on item in navigation navigation bar results in error in web console:

enter image description here

the nav bar works before after visit charity page route see error. way fix browser reload. clicking on error in browser debug view highlights (4th line) section of code:

enter image description here

this router looks like:

export const renderroutes = () => (   <router history={browserhistory}>     <route path="/" component={app}>       <indexroute component={homepagecontainer} />       <route path="about" component={aboutpage} />       <route path="search" component={searchcontainer} />       <route path="contact" component={contactpage} />       <route path="thankyou" component={thankyou} />       <route path="charity/:registeredcharitynumber" component={charitypagecontainer} />     </route>   </router> ); 

here charitypagecontainer:

export default createcontainer(( { params: { registeredcharitynumber }} ) => {    const charnum = parseint(registeredcharitynumber);   const subscriptionhandle = meteor.subscribe('', charnum);   console.log('charity object ',currentcharity(charnum).fetch()[0]);   const loading = !subscriptionhandle.ready();   return {     subscriptionhandle,     loading,     charity: currentcharity(charnum).fetch()[0]   }; }, charitypage); 

and important section of navbar component:

<link activeclassname="active" classname="item" to="/">home</link> <link activeclassname="active" classname="item" to="/about">about</link> <link activeclassname="active" classname="item" to="/search">search</link> <link activeclassname="active" classname="item" to="/contact">contact</link> 

using "react": "^15.2.1", "react-router": "^2.6.0",
