python - What does it mean to "Change DATA_ROOT to point to the PASCAL images" -

i'm going through installation of , got instruction.

here how-to-install info:


deeplab achieves 73.9% on challenging pascal voc 2012 image segmentation task -- see leaderboard.

pre-trained models

we have released several trained models , corresponding prototxt files @ here. please check more model details.

the best model among released ones yields 73.6% on pascal voc 2012 test set.

python wrapper requirements

install wget library python

sudo pip install wget

change data_root point pascal images

to use mat_read_layer , mat_write_layer, please download , install matio.

running code


i don't know data_root - environment variable? else? how access , change it?

looks it's global variable in

# modify path setting exp='voc12' #dataset net_id='vgg128_noup' #model name num_labels=21 year = 'voc2012' data_root='/media/ali/vocdevkit/voc2012' 
