c# - Monogame publishing with ClickOnce doesn't work -

as title says, have completed first project in monogame after 2 weeks of working pretty hard on it, , after published it, doesn't work. can't run setup file got when published game , cant debug in vs2015ce anymore.

when run setup , try install published version says:

cannot continue. application improperly formatted. contact application vendor assistance 

and when try debug game throws

an unhandled exception of type 'system.argumentnullexception' occurred in mscorlib.dll additional information: value cannot null 

i've seen this topic , had same error me problem fixed installing latest version of .net, i've done sadly doesn't fix problem me.

thanks help.

edit: when click "details" button when message pops on inside notepad

   platform version info     windows             : 6.1.7601.65536 (win32nt)     common language runtime     : 4.0.30319.42000     system.deployment.dll       : 4.6.1590.0 built by: netfxrel2     clr.dll             : 4.6.1590.0 built by: netfxrel2     dfdll.dll           : 4.6.1590.0 built by: netfxrel2     dfshim.dll          : 4.0.41209.0 (main.041209-0000)  sources     deployment url          : file:///c:/users/coppy/documents/visual%20studio%202015/projects/game2/game2/publish/frogger.application  identities     deployment identity     : frogger.application, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=1c233c28f0ad663b, processorarchitecture=x86  application summary     * installable application.  error summary     below summary of errors, details of these errors listed later in log.     * activation of c:\users\coppy\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\game2\game2\publish\frogger.application resulted in exception. following failure messages detected:         + exception reading manifest file:///c:/users/coppy/documents/visual%20studio%202015/projects/game2/game2/publish/application%20files/frogger_1_0_0_0/frogger.exe.manifest: manifest may not valid or file not opened.         + parsing , dom creation of manifest resulted in error. following parsing errors noticed:              -hresult:   0x8007001f              start line:    0              start column:  0              host file:              + ena od naprav, priključenih na sistem, ne deluje. (exception hresult: 0x8007001f)  component store transaction failure summary     no transaction error detected.  warnings     there no warnings during operation.  operation progress status     * [5.4.2017 21:48:49] : activation of c:\users\coppy\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\game2\game2\publish\frogger.application has started.     * [5.4.2017 21:48:49] : processing of deployment manifest has completed.     * [5.4.2017 21:48:49] : installation of application has started.  error details     following errors detected during operation.     * [5.4.2017 21:48:49] system.deployment.application.invaliddeploymentexception (manifestparse)         - exception reading manifest file:///c:/users/coppy/documents/visual%20studio%202015/projects/game2/game2/publish/application%20files/frogger_1_0_0_0/frogger.exe.manifest: manifest may not valid or file not opened.         - source: system.deployment         - stack trace:             @ system.deployment.application.manifestreader.fromdocument(string localpath, manifesttype manifesttype, uri sourceuri)             @ system.deployment.application.downloadmanager.downloadapplicationmanifest(assemblymanifest deploymentmanifest, string targetdir, uri deploymenturi, idownloadnotification notification, downloadoptions options, uri& appsourceuri, string& appmanifestpath)             @ system.deployment.application.applicationactivator.downloadapplication(subscriptionstate substate, activationdescription actdesc, int64 transactionid, tempdirectory& downloadtemp)             @ system.deployment.application.applicationactivator.installapplication(subscriptionstate& substate, activationdescription actdesc)             @ system.deployment.application.applicationactivator.performdeploymentactivation(uri activationuri, boolean isshortcut, string textualsubid, string deploymentproviderurlfromextension, browsersettings browsersettings, string& errorpageurl)             @ system.deployment.application.applicationactivator.activatedeploymentworker(object state)         --- inner exception ---         system.deployment.application.invaliddeploymentexception (manifestparse)         - parsing , dom creation of manifest resulted in error. following parsing errors noticed:              -hresult:   0x8007001f              start line:    0              start column:  0              host file:              - source: system.deployment         - stack trace:             @ system.deployment.application.manifest.assemblymanifest.loadcmsfromstream(stream stream)             @ system.deployment.application.manifest.assemblymanifest..ctor(filestream filestream)             @ system.deployment.application.manifestreader.fromdocument(string localpath, manifesttype manifesttype, uri sourceuri)         --- inner exception ---         system.runtime.interopservices.comexception         - ena od naprav, priključenih na sistem, ne deluje. (exception hresult: 0x8007001f)         - source: system.deployment         - stack trace:             @ system.deployment.internal.isolation.isolationinterop.createcmsfromxml(byte[] buffer, uint32 buffersize, imanifestparseerrorcallback callback, guid& riid)             @ system.deployment.application.manifest.assemblymanifest.loadcmsfromstream(stream stream)  component store transaction details     no transaction information available. 
