Java How to copying larger array to the small array? -

i want copy larger array elements randomly removed remove() method small array.

i have used system.arraycopy() method copies elements respectively. therefore elements in larger array don't copied.

i want copy larger array's non-removed elements small array has length equal number of non-removed elements in larger array.

import java.util.concurrent.threadlocalrandom;  //for shuffling array import java.util.random;                        //for shuffling solution  public class bigtosmallarray    {     public static void main(string[] args)  {         int[] bigarray = new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};         int[] smallarray = new int[5];         int[] shuffledbigarray = shufflearray(bigarray);         for(int = 0; < smallarray.length; i++)  {             smallarray[i] = shuffledbigarray[i];         }     }      public static int[] shufflearray(int arr[])   {         random rnd = threadlocalrandom.current();         (int = arr.length - 1; > 0; i--) {             int index = rnd.nextint(i + 1);             // simple swap             int = arr[index];             arr[index] = arr[i];             arr[i] = a;         }         return arr;     } } 
