javascript - AJAX JSON array to php not showing up -

ok guys question has been asked many times have looked through of answers , attempted have said no avail. according posts have read , know should working , have no idea why not. have script running javascript parsing out names array. trying send array, through ajax, php server can variables in php. have looked @ google debugger , posts fine when try access variable via $_post['name'] nothing shows up. when if check if name set using isset nothing happens well. im @ loss here. here's code. displays beginning , end not middle. have spent long on , not understand why not working. in advance.

    <script>     $(function(){         $("#teamsubmit").click(function() {             //code here             //loop through colmns in team div             var teamarray = [];             $("#teams .team .column").each(function(index, element){                 //loop through items in column                 var $this = $(this);                 //console.log($(this));                 //console.log("hello");                 thisteam = '';                 $this.children(".portlet").each(function(index1, element){                     //thisteam += ($(this).find(".portlet-header").text();                     //console.log("inside .portlet");                     //console.log('length =' + ($(this).length - 1) + ' index =' + index1);                     if(($this.children(".portlet").length - 1) === index1){                          thisteam += ($(this).find(".portlet-header")).text();                         //console.log("new team");                     }                     else{                         thisteam += ($(this).find(".portlet-header")).text() + ",";                      }                     });                 console.log(thisteam);                 teamarray[index] = thisteam;              });             //console.log(thisteam);             //console.log(teamarray);             jsonarray = json.stringify(teamarray);             $("#teams").html("");             console.log(jsonarray);               $.ajax({                 type: "post",                 url: 'settings.php',                 data: {json : jsonarray},                 //data: jsonarray,                 datatype: 'json',                 success: function(data)                 {                     //alert("success!");                     console.log(jsonarray);                 }             });           //grab javascript array , query , update db         <?php             //echo "console.log('begin '" . isset($_post['json']) .");";             //$test = $_post['jsonarray'];             //echo $test;             if(isset($_post['json'])){                 //$array = $_post['json'];                 $teammembers = json_decode($_post['json']);                 //echo "<script> console.log($teammembers); </script>";                  echo "console.log('middle');";                 //echo "$teammembers";                  //get highest t_id , increment 1                  //loop through insert sea_teams                  //loop through insert sea_team_user              }              echo "console.log('end');";          ?>   });  

