Using Spring Batch with auto-configure and a non-standard database -

i attempting create spring batch application. use sql anywhere database, sqlserver, known database type. make things easier using @springbootapplication on main class , @enablebatchprocessing on configuration class.

the problem database driver, sybase.jdbc4.sqlanywhere.idriver, returns product name "sql anywhere" , not recognized spring, causing various errors. able past of them explicitly creating jobrepositoryfactorybean in configuration class:

/**  * can't rely on spring boot can't set database type properly.  *   * explicitly requiring arguments in constructor, force autowiring  * occur.  */ @bean public jobrepositoryfactorybean jobrepositoryfactory(datasource ds, platformtransactionmanager tm) {     jobrepositoryfactorybean jf = new jobrepositoryfactorybean();      jf.setdatasource(ds);     jf.settransactionmanager(tm);     jf.setdatabasetype("sqlserver");     jf.settableprefix("dba.batch_");     jf.setisolationlevelforcreate("isolation_serializable");    // 1 instance @ time      return jf; } 

however, defaultbatchconfigurer fails in intialize function, because explicitly constructs own jobexplorerfactorybean.

i wonder if there simple way around this, or if have duplicate work in defaultbatchconfigurer class , define beans myself , remove @enablebatchprocessing annotation.

i able solve this, , hope helps trying use spring batch database out-of-the-box. necessary extend defaultbatchconfigurer , override createjobrepository() function. also, should disable automatic job table creation.

here class created can used base sql anywhere spring batch job:

@enablebatchprocessing public class sqlanywherebatchconfigurer extends defaultbatchconfigurer {    @autowired   private datasource datasource;   @autowired   private platformtransactionmanager transactionmanager;    public sqlanywherebatchconfigurer() {       super();   }    public sqlanywherebatchconfigurer(datasource datasource) {       super(datasource);   }    @override   protected jobrepository createjobrepository() throws exception {     jobrepositoryfactorybean factory = new jobrepositoryfactorybean();     factory.setdatasource(datasource);     factory.settransactionmanager(transactionmanager);     factory.setdatabasetype("sqlserver");     factory.afterpropertiesset();     return factory.getobject();   } } 

remember use schema-sqlserver.sql set tables first.

you must define datasource in configuration, in have:

# database spring.datasource.url=jdbc:sqlanywhere:server=<your server name>;port=2638 spring.datasource.username=<your username> spring.datasource.password=<your password> spring.datasource.driver-class-name=sybase.jdbc4.sqlanywhere.idriver # don't create tables on startup spring.datasource.initialize=false spring.batch.initializer.enabled=false 

finally, worth mentioning here sql anywhere @ least jdbccursoritemreader not work, because setting fetch direction of prepared statement causes "not supported" sql exception thrown. can around extending jdbccursoritemreader , overriding applystatementsettings function (plus few setters) in own class.
