c++ - Detect border of partially hidden ellipse with known center (OpenCV) -

i have detect border of ellipses in gray images. these images contains lot of stuff, there (partially hidden) ellipse. know center of ellipse in image.


  1. ellipse visible

  2. point near center of ellipse known

  3. ellipse black (value = [0, 50] on 8bits)


  1. white blobs (value = [220, 255]) can appears ellipse (not outside)

  2. black artefacts (value = [0, 80]) can hide 0% 50% of ellipse , white blobs (but center still known)

here 4 examples images represent different situations can appear :


i've tried severals algo (hough circle, ellipse detection, ..) none of them managed different situations. moreover, don't benefit of known center. suggestions welcome !

try ransac method, allow avoid noise edges , fit ellipce accurate. ellipse have 2 focuses, can find them, knowing ellipse equation, , find middle between them. ellipse center of mass.

example of code ransac ellipse fitting: https://github.com/seisgo/ellipsefit
