i've written jquery highlights 'about', 'my projects', or 'contact me' text on navigation bar when corresponding page section being viewed. in order i'm using scroll() event listener:
$(document).scroll(function myfuction() { if ($(document).scrolltop() >= $("#contactme").offset().top) { $("#contactbutton").addclass("active"); $("#projectbutton").removeclass("active"); $("#aboutbutton").removeclass("active"); } else if ( $(document).scrolltop() > $("#portfolio").offset().top && $(document).scrolltop() < $("#contactme").offset().top) { $("#contactbutton").removeclass("active"); $("#projectbutton").addclass("active"); $("#aboutbutton").removeclass("active"); } else if ( $(document).scrolltop() > $("#about").offset().top && $(document).scrolltop() < $("#portfolio").offset().top) { $("#contactbutton").removeclass("active"); $("#projectbutton").removeclass("active"); $("#aboutbutton").addclass("active"); } });
when user scrolls, function checks see top of page scrolltop(), , adds or removes "active" class highlights appropriate text.
i understand though having action performed within event listener bad idea, i'm not sure how else go accomplishing i'm trying do. perhaps i'm somehow re-inventing wheel here?
i have imagined bootstrap library have had pre-packaged class this, no luck in finding that.
you class items, cache them jquery collection, , on scroll check if of them in viewport - based on can perform needed action.
fast demo:
var $items = $('.item') var $window = $(window); var $document = $(document); function inviewport(el) { var rect = el.getboundingclientrect(); return ( rect.bottom > 0 && rect.right > 0 && rect.left < $window.width() && rect.top < $window.height() ); }; $document.on('scroll', function(){ $items.each(function(){ if(inviewport(this)) { $items.removeclass('active'); $(this).addclass('active'); return false; } }) }).trigger('scroll');
.item { width: 100%; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 50px; background-color: #ddd; } .item.active { background: red; }
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div class="item"><span>#1</span></div> <div class="item"><span>#2</span></div> <div class="item"><span>#3</span></div> <div class="item"><span>#4</span></div> <div class="item"><span>#5</span></div> <div class="item"><span>#6</span></div> <div class="item"><span>#7</span></div> <div class="item"><span>#8</span></div> <div class="item"><span>#9</span></div> <div class="item"><span>#10</span></div>
it's idea throttle scroll calls https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.4#throttle or own implementation.
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