performance - Animated GIF or Spin.js pause during page load IE 11 -

i know question have been ask have tried many possible solutions , didn't work. problem i'm having when page loads, loading animation not smoothly. keeps pausing. want loading animation keep animate while page loads. end, page displays multiple iframes have microstrategy , sites. each iframes have loading image , want hidden after page loads. understand it's performance client decides have loading animation. application needs run on ie11. here way have done..

<div id='container'> <div class="loading_img" style="...;background: url(loading.gif)"> </div><iframe>..</iframe> </div> 

technically div background center , using loading.gif. fadeout loading_img div inside window.load function. example.

$(window).load(function() { $('.loading_img').fadeout('slow'); }) 

this fadeout div after page loads.

the loading gif keeps pausing in middle of page loads , not keep animating.

i try solution using spin.js. create spinner inside document.ready function.

$(document).ready(function() {

var spinner = new spinner().spin();

$('.loading_img').append(spinner.el).focus(); })

then fadeout after page loads.

spinner works didn't animate when page loads. same gif approach.

please can insist me? works chrome , firefox not ie11.

thank you
