powershell - create a link in windows so it can find msbuild without full path -

not sure how this... work on osx , linux systems, when install app or use example g++ or xcodebuild, call terminal.

on windows, did install msbuild vs2015, if in powershell or regular command prompt, typing msbuild result in error. have specify whole path make work.

what equivalent in windows world, of setting console when type msbuild, gets correct path?

if create link msbuild still won't able call example compiler command line. why vs provides convenient (pretty canonical) way supplying batch file sets path , other build-related environment variables.

example if on cmd.exe:

> "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\common7\tools\vsdevcmd.bat"  > msbuild microsoft (r) build engine version 14.0.25420.1 ... > cl microsoft (r) c/c++ optimizing compiler version 19.00.24213.1 x86 ... 

you can invoke start menu well: hit start, type pro vs matches, select developer command prompt vs2015.

for powershell (which i'd recommend spending time on instead of cmd) you'll need function presented here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21652729/128384
