visual c++ - How can I use CodeBlocks with the most recent versions of the VC++ compiler? -

i need use c::b recent version of ms vc++ compiler ones in vs2015 or vs2017, , future ones, c::b not offer such option. recent vc++ version c::b allows user choose list, in settings, vc++2010 (msvc++10.0) wich quite old. after search didn't find explanation overcome problem. not c::b site offers solution. how can that?

after attempts made c::b settings , vc++ compilers, found solution not complicate @ all. in post show how use latest versions of vc++ compiler (msvc++ 14.0 or higher) codeblocks - no need install visual studio. solution identical if prefer use visual studio instead.
answer question 32 , 64 bits projects. default support std c++14. content: a) install latest version , compile x86 projects; b) change c::b 64bits projects.

a) install , use 32bits projects

  1. install latest version of vc++ compiler. vc++ toolset can obtained through nuget. nuget here: nuget. run following command command line. command installs latest version (according msdn):
    c:\> nuget install visualcpptools -source -prerelease

  2. install microsoft build tools 2015 (or higher). here stick 2015, can go 2017.
    2015 installer here buildtools2015. run install tools.

  3. open c::b , configure it. c::b last version microsoft visual c++ 2010. can use it, seting more recent compiler.

    3.1 go settings>>compiler

    3.2 in "selected compiler" select ms visual c++ 2010. higher version available in c::b.

    3.3 select tab "toolchain executables" , set compiler's directory directory vc++ toolset. in case:
    confirm if "program files" boxes of tab filled.

    3.3 select "search directories" tab. 3.3.1 in "compiler" tab add include directory path. in case is:

    possibly following needed (from build tools).
    c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\10\include\10.0.10240.0\ucrt
    if not there , if needed (in case)
    c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\lib\winv6.3\um

    3.3.2 in "linker" tab enter paths libs. in case.
    possibly, also,
    c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\10\lib\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\x86
    , if project complains uuid.lib, insert (in case),
    c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\lib\winv6.3\um\x86

    3.3.3 "resource compiler" tab. optional. in case,

and that's it! if prefer, c::b allow change compiler name.

b) change c::b project settings x64 projects

  1. point linker libraries' paths x64 counterparts. in settings menu choose "search directories">>"linker".

    1.1 compiler library, add "amd64". in case:

    1.2 "ucrt" , "um" add "\x64" paths. example case:
    c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\10\lib\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\x64
    c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\lib\winv6.3\um\x64

  2. for compiler select tab "toolchain executables" , insert prefix "amd64\" c++ compiler , make program, as: amd64\cl.exe, amd64\nmake.exe

again, that's it!

good work!
