i have 9 checkboxes linked 9 images , 3 of them use name 'correct' using code shown below.
<div class="nine"> <label for="correct1"><img class="picture1" src="picture1.jpg"/></label> <input type="checkbox" class="chk" id="correct1" name="correct"/> </div>
the remaining 6 unnamed using code shown below.
<div class="nine"> <label for="incorrect1"><img class="picture4" src="picture4.jpg"/></label> <input type="checkbox" class="chk" id="incorrect4"/> </div>
i have following code produce alert if 3 checkboxes name "correct" checked isn't working.
<script> var i, correct = document.getelementsbyname('correct'); (i = 0; <= correct.length; i++) { if (correct[i].checked) { alert('correct'); return true; } } alert('incorrect'); return false; </script>
can me this?
using es6:
const correctinputs = [...document.queryselectorall('input[name="correct"]')]; const alertifthree = () => { const checkedcorrectinputs = correctinputs.filter(input => input.checked); if (checkedcorrectinputs.length > 2) { alert('alert'); } }; correctinputs.foreach(input => input.addeventlistener('click', alertifthree));
<input type="checkbox" name="correct"/> <input type="checkbox" name="correct"/> <input type="checkbox" name="correct"/> <input type="checkbox" name="correct"/> <input type="checkbox" name="correct"/>
gets inputs name "correct".[...code]
spread operator, converts code previous point array.correctinputs.foreach(input => input.addeventlistener('click', alertifthree))
adds click event listener each of them. event listener functionalertifthree()
filters out input elements not checked , produces alert if there more 2 of them.
in response comment:
// jshint esnext: true const inputs = [...document.queryselectorall('input[name="correct"], input[name="incorrect"]')]; const alertifcorrect = () => { const checkedinputs = inputs.filter(input => input.checked), noincorrectcheckedinputs = checkedinputs.find(input => input.name === 'incorrect') === undefined; if (checkedinputs.length > 2 && noincorrectcheckedinputs) { alert('alert'); } }; inputs.foreach(input => input.addeventlistener('click', alertifcorrect));
<p>correct: <input type="checkbox" name="correct"/> <input type="checkbox" name="correct"/> <input type="checkbox" name="correct"/> <input type="checkbox" name="correct"/> <input type="checkbox" name="correct"/> </p> <p>incorrect: <input type="checkbox" name="incorrect"/> <input type="checkbox" name="incorrect"/> <input type="checkbox" name="incorrect"/> </p>
es6 constant. "the value of constant cannot change through re-assignment, , can't redeclared".[...code_here]
called spread syntax. here, turns contains after ellipsis array. other way use array.from().() => {
,input => code_here
arrow functions. es6's syntactic sugar function declaration.
stands before=>
stands 0 parameters. if wanted function takes few parameters, braces need have few parameters inside them. 1 parameter, parameter's name can replace braces altogether (like in second code in bullet point).
stands after=>
either expression or group of statements. statements surrounded curly brackets ({}
). if omit them, writing expression function return. exampleinput => input.checked
equivalentfunction(input) { return input.checked; }
.- filter() , find() methods of array prototype. respectively filter , search array using condition defined in function passed them parameter. read more following 2 links.
if need else explained, let me know. functions , structures here pretty... fresh, can not know them yet.
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