Puppet noop When Executable does not exist yet -

the following simplified manifest running:

package {'ruby2.4':   ensure => installed }  exec { "gem2.4_install_bundler":   command => "/usr/bin/gem2.4 install bundler",   require => package['ruby2.4'] } 

puppet apply runs manifest correctly i.e

  1. installs ruby2.4 package (which includes gem2.4)

  2. installs bundler using gem2.4

however, puppet apply --noop fails because puppet cannot find executable '/usr/bin/gem2.4' because ruby2.4 not installed --noop.

my question if there standard way test scenario puppet apply --noop? validate puppet manifest executing correctly?

it occurs me may have parse output , validate order of executions. if case, there standard way/tool this?

a last resort basic check puppet @ least runs, can determined --detailed-exitcodes option. (a code different 1).

thank in advance

rspec-puppet standard tool level of verification. can build catalog manifest (e.g. class, defined type, or host) , can write tests verify contents.

in case verify package resource exists, exec resource exists, , verify ordering between them. effective running agent --noop mode , parsing output - easier , cheaper run.

rspec-puppet works best modules, assuming follow setup module website (adding rspec-puppet gemfile, running rspec-puppet-init), , let's in class called ruby24, simple spec in spec/classes/ruby24_spec.rb be:

require 'spec_helper'  describe 'ruby24'   { is_expected.to compile.with_all_deps }   { is_expected.to contain_package('ruby2.4').with_ensure('installed') }   { is_expected.to contain_exec('gem2.4_install_bundler').with_command('/usr/bin/gem2.4 install bundler') }   { is_expected.to contain_exec('gem2.4_install_bundler').that_requires('package[ruby2.4]') } end 
