deploying to 3rd party hosting gives 502.5 on works fine with framework -

maybe give me pointers on nagging problem.

i'm trying deploy simple hw-example server of hostingprovider ( not azure).

i'm using vs 2017, deployment publishing filesystem , moving server in wwwroot via ftp.

hosting provider says 1.0.3 server wide active.

i 502.5 error (process failure) when set project [.net core web application]. funny thing when set [.net framework web application], works.

debugger tells me 502.5 error bad gateway. logfiles empty, whith stdoutlogenabled.

web.config others shown in relation error.

csproj in .net core project (does not work):

<project sdk="">   <propertygroup>    <targetframework>netcoreapp1.0</targetframework> </propertygroup>    <itemgroup>     <folder include="wwwroot\" />   </itemgroup>   <itemgroup>     <packagereference include="microsoft.applicationinsights.aspnetcore" version="2.0.0" />     <packagereference include="microsoft.aspnetcore" version="1.0.4" />   </itemgroup>  </project> 

csproj .net framework project (this work):

<project sdk="">    <propertygroup label="configuration" condition="'$(configuration)|$(platform)'=='debug|anycpu'">     <outputtype>exe</outputtype>   </propertygroup>    <propertygroup>     <targetframework>net452</targetframework>     <runtimeidentifier>win7-x86</runtimeidentifier>     <applicationicon />     <outputtypeex>exe</outputtypeex>     <startupobject />   </propertygroup>    <itemgroup>     <folder include="wwwroot\" />   </itemgroup>   <itemgroup>     <packagereference include="microsoft.applicationinsights.aspnetcore" version="2.0.0" />     <packagereference include="microsoft.aspnetcore" version="1.0.4" />   </itemgroup>  </project> 

would i'm doing wrong or problem hosting provider?

any information welcome.

