r - Shiny: How to stop processing invalidateLater() after data was abtained or at the given time -

i want keep reflashing until 10:05, after 10:05 got tplus0_dt , stop processing invalidaterlater().

before 10:00, tplus0_dt doesn't exist, need keep reflashing until 10:05. after 10:05, no need refalsh, , when tplus0_dt becomes lage invalidaterlater() effects displaying of table1, screen , plots go gray every 1 seconds looks page dead while updating occurs.

so how can stop processing invalidatelater() , keep showing data after 10:05? help! example code below.

require(shiny) require(data.table) app <- shinyapp(     server = function(input, output, session){             get_tplus0_data <- reactive({                     time <- substr(as.character(sys.time()), 12, 16)                     invalidatelater(1000)                     if(time >= "10:05"){                             # tplus0_dt<-data.table(read.csv("/data/df_highest_after_signal.csv",header = t, sep = ",", stringsasfactors = f))                              tplus0_dt<- data.table(a = c(1, 2, 3, 4), b = c(3, 4, 5, 8))                              return(tplus0_dt)                     }              })             output$table1 <- rendertable({get_tplus0_data()})     },     ui = fluidpage( tableoutput("table1")  ) )  runapp(app) 

how override function needs?

if enter invalidatelaternew in console, code of function printed.

to overwrite function within package post help: override function imported in namespace

then have consider functions .getreactiveenvironment() , timercallbacks() not accessible outside namespace. can call them this: shiny:::.getreactiveenvironment()

bring together:

you add additional parameter (e.g. update), enable stop invalidelater() whenever want.

invalidatelaternew <- function (millis, session = getdefaultreactivedomain(), update = true)  {   if(update){     ctx <- shiny:::.getreactiveenvironment()$currentcontext()     shiny:::timercallbacks$schedule(millis, function() {       if (!is.null(session) && session$isclosed()) {         return(invisible())       }       ctx$invalidate()     })     invisible()   } }  unlockbinding("invalidatelater", as.environment("package:shiny")) assign("invalidatelater", invalidatelaternew, "package:shiny") 


i used example given in ?invalidatelater demonstrate effect: (invalidatelater stop when input$nis bigger 800. can adapt example time restriction). decided not use time restriction example wouldnt handy test ;)

ui <- fluidpage(   sliderinput("n", "number of observations", 2, 1000, 500),   plotoutput("plot") )  server <- function(input, output, session) {    observe({     # re-execute reactive expression after 1000 milliseconds     invalidatelater(1000, session, input$n < 800)     # each time invalidated.     # isolate() makes observer _not_ invalidated , re-executed     # when input$n changes.     print(paste("the value of input$n is", isolate(input$n)))   })    # generate new histogram @ timed intervals, not when   # input$n changes.   output$plot <- renderplot({     # re-execute reactive expression after 2000 milliseconds     invalidatelater(2000, session, input$n < 800)     hist(rnorm(isolate(input$n)))   }) }  shinyapp(ui, server) 
