How to convert byte to hex string starting with '%' in python -

i convert unicode characters encoded 'utf-8' hex string of character starts '%' because api server recognize form.

for example, if need input unicode character '※' server, should convert character string '%e2%80%bb'. (it not matter whether character upper or lower.)

i found way convert unicode character bytes , convert bytes hex string in

>>> print('※'.encode('utf-8')) b'\xe2\x80\xbb' >>> print('※'.encode('utf-8').hex()) e280bb 

but need form of starting '%' '%e2%80%bb' or %e2%80%bb'

are there concise way implement this? or need make function add '%' each hex character?

there 2 ways this:

the preferred solution. use urllib.parse.urlencode , specify multiple parameters , encode @ once:

urllib.parse.urlencode({'parameter': '※', 'test': 'true'}) # parameter=%e2%80%bb&test=true 

or, can manually convert chunks of 2 symbols, join % symbol:

def encode_symbol(symbol):     symbol_hex = symbol.encode('utf-8').hex()     symbol_groups = [symbol_hex[i:i + 2].upper() in range(0, len(symbol_hex), 2)]     symbol_groups.insert(0, '')     return '%'.join(symbol_groups)  encode_symbol('※') # %e2%80%bb 
