How to include JavaScript file in JSF -

he truth code small since learning, can not make work, have touched other issues , have not found solution

 <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en"      ""> <html xmlns=""       xmlns:ui=""       xmlns:h=""       xmlns:f=""       xmlns:p=""       xmlns:c="">      <h:head>         <h:outputscript library="js" name="jquery-last.js" />     </h:head>      <div id="header">         <div class="logo"></div>         <div class="medio">manager dx2</div>         <div class="fin"> </div>      </div>      <h:body>         <div class="body">             <div class="upbody">                 <div></div>                 <div>                     <a href="logout.xhtml" class="_btnlnk">salir</a>                 </div>             </div>              <div class="container">             </div>         </div>      </h:body>      </html> 

i add images error , able provide more information

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thank help
