javascript - Angularjs Failed to instantiate module WebApp due to: Error: at Anonymous function -

i've angularjs app, running in chrome , firefox , edge! though not on ie11.

i've tried wrapping init.js follows:

var webapp = angular.module('webapp', ['ngroute', 'ui.bootstrap', 'angular-mandrill', 'firebase']);

(function() {    angular.module('webapp').run(function($rootscope,$timeout) {           $timeout(function(){                    $rootscope.$on('$routechangesuccess', function(ev, data) {                     if (data && data.controller) {                         var controller = data.controller;                         controller = controller.charat(0).tolowercase() + controller.slice(1);                         controller = controller.replace(/controller/g, '');                         $rootscope.controller = controller;                     }                 });         }, 100);       }).$inject = ['$rootscope']; }).bind(window); 

i've tried wrapping controllers like:

(function (angular) { "use strict";

// controller in here }(window.angular));

anyone else have ideas? thanks!

edited! -- additional error stacks :) --

    html1300: navigation occurred. localhost:8000 script1006: expected ')' angular-mandrill.js (1,597) script5022: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?p0=webapp& angular.min.js (40,25) rendered http://localhost:8000/assets/css/style.less successfully. css http://localhost:8000/assets/css/style.less generated in 1641ms less has finished. css generated in 1641ms 

try this, should work :

(function() {    angular.module('webapp', ['ngroute', 'ui.bootstrap', 'angular-mandrill', 'firebase']);       angular.module('webapp').run(['$rootscope', '$timeout', function($rootscope, $timeout) {       $timeout(function() {         $rootscope.$on('$routechangesuccess', function(ev, data) {             if (data && data.controller) {                 var controller = data.controller;                 controller = controller.charat(0).tolowercase() + controller.slice(1);                 controller = controller.replace(/controller/g, '');                 $rootscope.controller = controller;             }         });     }, 100);      }]);  })(); ; 

error stacks shows module 'angular-mandrill' not available. ensure it's loaded before webapp module initialized.

add angular-mandrill.js html.

<script src="//"></script> 

then, add angular-mandrill module dependency app. same ui.bootstrap , firebase

angular.module('webapp', ['angular-mandrill']); 
