c# - Web API equivalent to Web Service [.asmx] -

i new web api. have implemented web service methods [.asmx] using deprecated webservices - attributes [webmethod] , able place different methods in .asmx file , able call them webmethod name in ajax calls.

i trying move webapi, , dont see use different methods here in webapi.

for ex., in webservice.asmx file, declare :

 [webmethod]     public void loadreport()     {         ...     }    [webmethod]     public void loadreport2()     {       ...     } 

but in webapi, utilize get(), put(), post() , delete().

how declare these 2 different methods in web api ?

use attribute routing in web api.

for example:

[routeprefix("api/data")]     public class datacontroller : apicontroller     {       [route("loadreport")]         [httpget]         public httpresponsemessage loadreport()             {                 ...             }          [route("loadreport2")]         [httpget]         public httpresponsemessage loadreport2()             {                 ...             } 

you can access these methods calling

http://localhost:<port>/api/sample/loadreport http://localhost:<port>/api/sample/loadreport2 

if use .net 4.5.2, ensure attribute routing enabled. add below line under register method of app_start\webapiconfig.cs file:

public static void register(httpconfiguration config) {              config.maphttpattributeroutes(); //enable attribute routing   
