java - Where should I put @EnableAsync annotation -

i need send email in async way while saving data db.

my approach this.

//i have tried service layer annotating.but not worked.  @enableasync  class myservice{  public string savemethod(list listofdata){     mail.sendemailquote(listofdata);     mail.sendemailworkflowtaskassignment(listofdata);     mydao.savedata(listofdata);  } } 

i need perform following methods in @async way. should put @enableasync annotation. not schedule related thing. happen when user click save button. application used flex spring blazeds. there no controller written self.

i have used @async annotation in code following 2 methods. in class call mail.

@async sendemailquote(listofdata){}  @async sendemailworkflowtaskassignment(listofdata){} 

could me find should put @enableasync ?

i refer sample

enableasync used configuration , enable spring's asynchronous method execution capability, should not put on service or component class, should put on configuration class like:

@configuration @enableasync public class appconfig {  } 

or more configuration of asyncexecutor like:


@enableasync public class appconfig implements asyncconfigurer {

 @override  public executor getasyncexecutor() {      threadpooltaskexecutor executor = new threadpooltaskexecutor();      executor.setcorepoolsize(7);      executor.setmaxpoolsize(42);      executor.setqueuecapacity(11);      executor.setthreadnameprefix("myexecutor-");      executor.initialize();      return executor;  }  } 

please refer it's java doc more details.

and tutorial followed, enableasync put above application class, extends asyncconfigurersupport asyncexecutor configuration:

@springbootapplication @enableasync public class application extends asyncconfigurersupport {  public static void main(string[] args) {, args); }  @override public executor getasyncexecutor() {     threadpooltaskexecutor executor = new threadpooltaskexecutor();     executor.setcorepoolsize(2);     executor.setmaxpoolsize(2);     executor.setqueuecapacity(500);     executor.setthreadnameprefix("githublookup-");     executor.initialize();     return executor; } } 
