r - Interpolation of geodata on surface of a sphere -

i have dataset lat/lon coordinates , corresponding 0/1 value each geolocation (4 200+ datapoints). now, want interpolate voids , add colors surface of globe based on interpolation results. main problem have interpolate "around globe", because in plane, not work.

my data

set.seed(41) n <- 5 s <- rbind(data.frame(lon = rnorm(n, 0, 180),                       lat = rnorm(n, 90, 180),                       value = 0),            data.frame(lon = rnorm(n, 180, 180),                       lat = rnorm(n, 90, 180),                       value = 1)) s$lon <- s$lon %% 360 -180 s$lat <- s$lat %% 180 -90 s_old <- s 

visualize datapoints

library(sp)   library(rgdal) library(scales) library(raster) library(dplyr)  par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(0,0,0,0)) grd <- expand.grid(lon = seq(-180,180, = 20),                     lat = seq(-90, 90, by=10)) coordinates(grd) <- ~lon + lat gridded(grd) <- true plot(grd, add=f, col=grey(.8))  coordinates(s) = ~lon + lat points(s, col=s$value + 2, pch=16, cex=.6) 

enter image description here

bivariate interpolate in plane

currently, bivariate spline interpolation done directly on lat/lon coordinates using akima papckage. works, not take account lat/lon coordinates lie on sphere.

nx <- 361 ny <- 181 xo <- seq(-180, 179, len=nx) yo <- seq(-90, 89, len=ny) xy <- as.data.frame(coordinates(s)) int <- akima:::interp(x = xy$lon, y = xy$lat, z = s$value,                        extrap = t,                        xo = xo, yo = yo,                        nx = nx, ny=100,                        linear = f) z <- int$z # correct out of range interpolations values z[z < 0] <- 0 z[z > 1] <- 1  grd <- expand.grid(lon = seq(-180,180, = 20),                     lat = seq(-90, 90, by=10)) coordinates(grd) <- ~lon + lat gridded(grd) <- true plot(grd, add=f, col=grey(.8))  ## create raster image r <- raster(nrows=ny, ncols=nx, crs='+proj=longlat',             xmn=-180, xmx=180, ymn=-90, ymx=90) values(r) <- as.vector(z)    # tweaking of color breaks colors <- alpha(colorramppalette(c("red", "yellow", "green"))(21), .4) br <- seq(0.3, 0.7, len=20) image(xo, yo, z, add = t, col = colors, breaks=c(-.1, br, 1.1)) points(s, col=s$value + 2, pch=16, cex=.6) 

enter image description here

obviously not work sphere, left side not match right side. on sphere,the interpolation should seamless.

enter image description here

what approaches can use interpolate on sphere in r?

you can calculate distances between points , grid , use own interpolation. instance, below inverse distance interpolation on data example.

generate data

library(sp) library(rgdal)  # data set.seed(41) n <- 5 s <- rbind(data.frame(lon = rnorm(n, 0, 180),                       lat = rnorm(n, 90, 180),                       value = 0),            data.frame(lon = rnorm(n, 180, 180),                       lat = rnorm(n, 90, 180),                       value = 1)) s$lon <- s$lon %% 360 -180 s$lat <- s$lat %% 180 -90 s_old <- s 

create raster grid interpolation

## create raster image r <- raster(nrows=ny, ncols=nx, crs='+proj=longlat',             xmn=-180, xmx=180, ymn=-90, ymx=90) 

calculate distances between points , raster

function spdists in library sp use great circle distance when coordinates not projected. means distance calculated between 2 points shortest.

# distance between points , raster s.r.dists <- spdists(x = coordinates(s), y = coordinates(r), longlat = true) 

interpolate on sphere using inverse distance interpolation

here propose interpolate using classical inverse distance interpolation power 2 (idp=2). can modify calculation if want other power or linear interpolation, or if want interpolate limited number of neighbors.

# inverse distance interpolation using distances # pred = 1/dist^idp idp <- 2 inv.w <- (1/(s.r.dists^idp)) z <- (t(inv.w) %*% matrix(s$value)) / apply(inv.w, 2, sum)  r.pred <- r values(r.pred) <- z 

then plot results

# tweaking of color breaks colors <- alpha(colorramppalette(c("red", "yellow", "green"))(21), .4) br <- seq(0.3, 0.7, len=20) plot(r.pred, col = colors, breaks=c(-.1, br, 1.1), legend=f) points(s, col=s$value + 2, pch=16, cex=.6) 

inverse distance interpolation on surface of sphere (ipd=2)
